13th Jena Summer Academy on 'Innovation in a digitalized world'


The preliminary schedule for the summer school can be accessed here.pdf, 550 kb · de Please see the notice in Bachstraße for potential last minute changes.

The Graduate College DFG-RTG 1411 'The Economics of Innovative Change' (GSBC-EIC) at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany, organizes the 13th Summer Academy on ‘Innovation in a digitalized world'. The Academy will last from July 21st to August 2nd 2019 in Jena and will be hosted by the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

The Summer School is integrated in the interdisciplinary environment of the recently founded Jena Schumpeter Center for Research on Socio-Economic Change. During the past editions, the Summer Academy has proved to be one of the most inspiring gathering worldwide for what concerns the novel fields of economic research related to innovation, entrepreneurship, economic evolution, and methodological approaches. Over the years, highly distinguished scholars provided the participants with outstanding lectures at the very frontier of scientific research.



The aim of the Summer Academy is to create an environment that brings senior researchers and PhD students closer together, supporting and promoting the start of new projects by organized group works, studies and unique collaborations. Therefore, it represents the best occasion for young researchers to experience a fascinating “guided tour” to high quality research.

The GSBC-EIC Summer School will last for 2 weeks. All lectures and courses of invited speakers are planned Monday through Friday. The weekends are reserved for social events and keynote speakers. The enrolled students are expected to attend the full program in both weeks.

We are happy to invite outstanding PhD students from all over the world to participate to the Summer Academy, together with the doctoral students belonging to the Jena Graduate Schools. The guest PhDs will benefit from

  • our exceptional learning environment that so far trained more than 120 PhD students to the highest research standards,
  • a close contact to international scholars, to be enjoyed in the incredible atmosphere of Jena, the City of Light,
  • possibility to present ongoing research projects,
  • conceptualizing new research ideas together with PhDs and faculty.

To ensure an excellent learning environment, participation is limited to 30 graduate/doctoral students from all around the world. Registration fee for both weeks including summer school materials, coffee breaks and social events is 200 Euro.

If you are interested, please apply by sending your CV and motivation letter (explaining why you are interested in our Summer Academy and how it shall benefit your research) to Martin Kalthaus (martin.kalthaus@uni-jena.de) until 15th of May latest (earlier applications are welcome).