12th Summer Academy on 'Innovation and Uncertainty'

Participants 12th Summer Academy 2018

Image: Martin Kalthaus

The Graduate College 'The Economics of Innovative Change' (GSBC-EIC) at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the International Max Planck School on Uncertainty jointly organize the 12th Summer Academy on 'Innovation and Uncertainty'. The Academy will last from 'July 22th to August 4th 2018' in Jena and will be hosted by the Friedrich Schiller University and the International Max Planck School on Uncertainty. During the past editions, the Summer Academy on ‘Innovation and Uncertainty’ has proved to be one of the most inspiring gathering worldwide for what concerns the novel fields of economic research related to innovation, evolution, uncertainty and experimental analysis. Over the years, the most important scholars provided the participants with outstanding lectures at the very frontier of scientific research.

  • Participants 9th Summer Academy
    Image: Muhammad Ali
    9th Summer Academy 2015

    On th 9th Summer Academy on Innovation and Uncertainty, lecturers were: Uwe Cantner, Gianluca Capone, Giovanna Devetag, Giovanni Dosi, Robert Jung, Mario Pianta, Bart Verspagen, Ulrich Witt

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